Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
A Personal Approach to SCI Rehab
Spinal cord injury (SCI) affects a person’s total way of life, which is why it is vital to offer a broad range of services to address a patient’s full spectrum of needs. The comprehensive Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program at Helen Hayes Hospital cares for the patient throughout the continuum, from intensive inpatient rehabilitation through outpatient therapy, ongoing medical care, and sports and wellness programs. Our philosophy is to let the patient be our guide, helping our skilled specialists design an individualized treatment plan to meet the patient’s specific needs and goals, while preventing future complications from SCI.
Each patient receives spinal cord injury treatment from an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team under the direction of a board certified physician with a specialty in spinal cord injury. Working collaboratively toward the patient’s goals, the team consists of physical, occupational and speech therapists, rehabilitation nurses, case managers, psychologists, dieticians, and other committed professionals. The team encourages a patient’s family and caregivers to participate in the rehabilitation process through frequent visits and patient/family education and conferences.
Program Admissions
Individuals who have sustained a complete or incomplete spinal cord injury due to trauma, acts of violence, tumors, sports injuries, spinal stenosis, compression fractures, and transverse myelitis are all candidates for inpatient rehabilitation. The Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation team also treats patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS /Lou Gehrig’s Disease), and peripheral nervous system disorders, as well as myopathies and muscular dystrophies.
Located in New York’s Hudson Valley, the program serves patients from throughout the New York Metropolitan region, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and also from across the country.
Customized SCI Treatment Plan
The strength of the HHH Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Program is its capacity to address all of the complex effects of spinal cord injury, including paraplegia and quadriplegia, respiratory disorders, bowel and bladder dysfunction, skin care and wounds, and spasticity, as well as emotional and psychological issues related to adjustment to a new way of life. Patients with SCI are admitted directly into our specially designed and equipped spinal cord injury unit, which offers round-the-clock monitoring and the capability to care for patients with feeding tubes and ventilators. The acute rehabilitation program provides a full spectrum of services, along with access to highly specialized care and state-of-the-art equipment and technology.
- Dedicated 24-bed SCI Unit and Therapy Gym
- Patient rooms with internet access & environmental controls to maximize patient independence
- Medical leadership and care provided by a board certified physiatrist with specialty in SCI Medicine
- Medical Consultation Services including Cardiology, Urology, Pulmonology, ENT, Orthopedics, Pain Management
- 24/7 On-Site Physician/Physician Extender Care
- Certified Rehabilitation Nursing
- Physical Therapy to restore functional mobility & strength
- Occupational Therapy to restore the performance of activities of daily living
- Speech Language Therapy including Dysphagia/swallowing therapy, Videoflourscopy, FEES, VitalStim Therapy/E-Stim, Speech-Breathing/Voice Therapy with use of Passy-Muir Speaking Valve for patients with tracheostomy tubes and/or on mechanical ventilation
- State-of-the-Art Therapeutic Equipment including: Vibration Therapy, Bioness, Upper Extremity FES, RTS 300 FES Cycle
- Assistive Technology, Augmentative Communication, & Wheeled Seating Services
- Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training
- Recreational Therapy Services & Adaptive Sports
- Ventilator Weaning & Management/Tracheostomy Care/Respiratory Therapy
- In-house Orthotics department including WalkAide
- Psychiatry & Psychology Services
- Activities of Daily Living training
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Peer Mentoring
- Nutrition Education
- Overnight transitional living apartment
- Sexual Counseling
- Case Management & Discharge Planning
- Spinal Cord Injury Support Group
- Adapted Sports & Recreation Program
- Patient & Family Education/ in-house SCI education TV Channel
Follow-Up Care
Following inpatient rehabilitation, SCI patients may benefit from HHH’s full continuum of care, including:
- Outpatient Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy
- Peer Mentoring
- SCI Support Group
- Adapted Sports & Recreation
- Assistive Technology & Seating
- Aquatic (warm water pool) Therapy
- Driver Evaluation & Training
- Osteoporosis Treatment
- Prosthetic & Orthotic Center
- Wellness Center
Helen Hayes Hospital is home to the United Spinal Association Hudson Valley Chapter, a peer advocacy program: Click to learn more
For comprehensive educational materials on SCI, please click here.
"I am proud to say that I am able to walk and do many things that I thought I would never be able to do again. [Your staff] gave me the courage and determination I needed to accomplish many feats…your entire hospital is run by angels and you are performing miracles every day."
For more information, please contact the
Helen Hayes Hospital Admission Referral Center:
1-888-70-REHAB ext. 4118
To schedule a guided tour,
call 845-786-4118