Speaker talking during a support group meeting at Helen Hayes Hospital

Support Groups

Helen Hayes Hospital offers an array of support groups that are open to the community. The groups serve a dual purpose: they provide valuable information as well as serving as a support mechanism for individuals coping with disabling disorders. Some sessions feature guest speakers, while others follow a more informal agenda. Time is always allowed for questions and answers and for participants to share information. For additional information on any group, contact the person indicated.

+ Brain Injury Family/Survivor Support Group

Second Monday of each month, 6:30pm, via Zoom
The Brain Injury Association of New York Rockland County chapter family support group. The meeting is open to family members of and survivors of a brain injury. For information call Barry Dain at 914-420-4406 or call the Brain Injury Association, 1-800-228-8201. http://bianys.org.

+ Caregiver Support Group

Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00pm, Dietary Conference Room
Open to all caregivers, offering a welcome space for meaningful discussions, emotional support, and the opportunity to exchange ideas and helpful suggestions. The goal of these weekly meetings is to reduce the loneliness and isolation that caregivers often experience, fostering connection and understanding among those navigating similar journeys.

+ Osteoporosis Support & Education Group

Third Thursday of each month, 4:00-5:00pm, Auditorium
Professionals from the New York State Osteoporosis Prevention and Education Program (NYSOPEP) Statewide Osteoporosis Resource Center present information about bone health, including the latest medications, nutritional guidelines, research and other important topics. Call 845-786-4772 to learn more about programs and dates of meetings.

+ Parkinson's Disease Support Group

Third Friday of each month, 2:00-3:00pm, Auditorium
Whether you’ve been living with PD or have just recently been diagnosed, come and share information and learn something new. For more information, please call 845-786-4321.

+ Stroke Support Group

Third Wednesday of each month, 2:00-3:00pm, Dietary Conference Room
For survivors of stroke and their families and caregivers. Participants will hear from experts on a variety of topics, as well as share their day-to-day experiences living with stroke or caring for a loved one. For more information, please call Alyssa Chagares at 845-786-4457.

+ Spinal Cord Injury/Amputee Support Group

Third Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 pm, Dietary Conference Room
Open to individuals living with SCI and amputation, as well as their families and friends. Guest speakers and open discussions. Available via webcast. For information, please call Peter Gagliardo at 845-786-4950.

+ Aphasia Support Group

On hiatus: Aphasia affects a person’s ability to express and understand spoken and written language. It is caused by damage to the parts of the brain that control language, by events such as stroke, traumatic brain injury or neurological disorders. Our monthly Aphasia Group seeks to help those with aphasia improve their communication with targeted tools and exercises. Meets the second Wednesday of every month in the Noyes Conference Center, 10:30 – 11:30 am. First session is free. For additional information, contact Kelly Dougherty at 845-786-4604.