Patient Services & Amenities
Banking Services
An ATM is located in the Hospital Atrium.
Located on the 1st floor, the Riverview H Squared Cafe offers breakfast (7:00 to 11:00am) and lunch (11:00am to 2:00pm) and is open from 7:00am to 3:00pm Monday through Friday. Visitors may buy meals in the Cafe. Vending machines are available at all times.
The Recreational Therapy Department schedules a variety of activities that patients may choose to participate in, including playing of games or pet therapy. A schedule of events for the month is posted and will be provided on admission. The Department also makes DVD’s, videos, audiotapes, and books on tape available.
Gift Shop
The Gift Shop is operated by the Volunteer Corps and is located directly off the Atrium. Candy, gift items, personal articles, jewelry, books and magazines, and stamps are available. One hundred percent of Gift Shop proceeds benefit patient services.
Internet & Email
Helen Hayes Hospital provides non-secure Internet access for patients who wish to use their personal laptop or other wireless device. Such equipment is used at the patient’s own risk and the Hospital is not responsible for any spyware, adware, malware, virus infection, or adverse effects on hardware, software, or data while using this service. This service is offered free of charge on a best effort basis.
Family members and friends may also send email messages through the Hospital’s Recreational Therapy Department by visiting the Email a Patient HERE.
Washers and dryers are available. Detergent is sold in the Gift Shop.
Religious Services, Pastoral Care, & the Chapel
Arrangements can be made for patients and families to see their clergy privately by calling Patient Relations at ext. 4210. The chapel is located off the Atrium and is open at all times to patients and visitors.
Patients may make and receive calls between 7:00am and 10:00pm. Incoming calls will be connected directly to a patient’s extension. Local outgoing calls can be made free of charge. The hospital operator will put all other calls through to outside operators for third party billing. Cell phones are permitted in non-patient areas.
TV Service
Complimentary TV Service is available for all patients. Televisions are also located in dining rooms, quiet rooms, and in recreation areas.