Stroke Rehabilitation
A Personal Approach to Stroke Rehab
At Helen Hayes Hospital’s Stroke Rehabilitation Program, patients benefit from a full range of rehabilitative services dedicated to enabling them to resume active, independent lives following an ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke. Our philosophy is to let the patient be our guide, helping our skilled specialists design an individualized stroke treatment plan to meet the patient’s specific needs and goals, speeding stroke recovery.
Every patient who comes to the Stroke Rehabilitation Program has a unique set of personal circumstances. The life led prior to the stroke, the nature of the stroke, and its effects all play a part in defining the patient’s rehabilitative needs. Our goal is to enable the patient to resume the greatest level of functioning, while helping to prevent recurring strokes in the future.
Each patient receives stroke treatment from a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team under the direction of a board-certified physician specializing in stroke rehabilitation. Working collaboratively toward the patient’s goals, the stroke therapy team consists of physical, occupational and speech therapists, rehabilitation nurses, case managers, dietitians, and other committed professionals. The team encourages a patient’s family to participate in the rehabilitation process through frequent visits and patient/family conferences.
Program Admissions
We treat patients recovering from various types of stroke, including ischemic stroke, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Rehabilitation is provided for resulting disabilities, including paralysis, trouble walking, balancing, communicating, eating, and dressing, as well as limitations in memory, emotional control, and social skills, and bowel and bladder disorders.
Located in New York’s Hudson Valley, the program not only serves patients from throughout the New York Metropolitan region, New Jersey and Connecticut, but also attracts patients from across the country.
Specialized Services
The strength of our Stroke Rehabilitation program is the broad range of unified services we provide, administered by an accomplished staff of experts. Patients have access to our state-of-the-art therapies and equipment and our warm-water aquatic facility, where patients perform exercises in the heated pool, a proven method of increasing mobility and endurance.
We provide a full spectrum of stroke treatment services to restore confidence and help the patient resume full living after stroke, including:
- Dedicated 24-bed Stroke Unit and therapy gym
- Physical Therapy, to restore functional mobility and strength
- Occupational Therapy to restore the activities of daily living and function of the upper extremity
- Home & Food Management Center
- Speech Language Therapy
- Dysphagia/Swallowing Therapy including Videoflouroscopy & Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation & FEES
- Cognitive Therapy
- State-of-the-art therapeutic equipment including: FES, SaeboFlex, SaeboGlove, SaeboMAS, SaeboStretch, Saebo Mirror Box, Bioness, Body Weight Supported Gait Training, VitalStim, Vibration Therapy, Walk Aide, RTS 300 FES Cycle
- Respiratory Therapy
- Ventilator Weaning & Management Program
- Rehabilitative Nursing & 24/7 On-Site Physician Care
- Psychiatry & Psychology Services
- Assistive Technology
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Wheeled Seating & Mobility Services
- Smart Apartment/Activities of Daily Living training
- Medication Evaluation & Optimization
- Nutrition Education
- Recreational Therapy Services
- Aquatic Therapy
- Driver Evaluation & Training
- Case Management & Discharge Planning
- Stroke Support Group
- Outpatient Physical & Occupational Therapy
- Patient & Family Education.
"With sincere and heartfelt gratitude, I want to thank your doctors, therapists, and staff for helping my father make a full recovery from stroke. From the moment we approached your facility, from the visual signs of recovery, messages of hope, pictures of patients standing victorious, we knew that our father was in the best place he could be.”
For more information, please contact the
Helen Hayes Hospital Admission Referral Center:
1-888-70-REHAB ext. 4118
To schedule a guided tour,
call 845-786-4118