Hand Therapy
Customized Treatment, Certified Hand Therapists, Maximum Function
The bones, nerves, joints and muscles of the upper extremities are critical to nearly every activity of daily living. When injury or disease threatens their functioning, overall quality of life can be severely affected. Our experienced and skilled Certified Hand Therapists provide intense, evidence based individual care for all.
Our Team of Certified Hand Therapists
Our team of Certified Hand Therapists have met stringent training and comprehensive clinical skills and theory in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation. With an average of over 20 years of experience each, our CHTs utilize the latest research and evidence based treatment techniques. Therapists provide one-on-one care, customized to meet the patient’s needs and goals.
Treatment is Available For:
- Acute post operative care
- Custom, same-day splinting
- Osteo & rheumatoid arthritis
- Acute tendon, nerve & arterial injuries
- Post-traumatic & congenital wrist & hand deformities
- Fractures
- Sprains & strains
- Ligament injuries
- Amputations
- Nerve compressions (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
- Sports injuries
- Tumors & tumor-like lesions such as ganglions
- Burns, frostbite, trauma & wound care
- Rotator cuff injuries & repairs
- Shoulder & elbow tendonitis
- Shoulder & elbow instability & dislocation
- Total & reverse shoulder replacement
Treatments & Therapies
All patients receive a thorough evaluation, including a careful review of any operative reports, and a customized treatment plan, which may include:
- Pre & post-op splinting
- Fluidotherapy
- Paraffin
- Electrical Stimulation (EStim)
- Ultrasound
- Wound care
- Pain management
- Scar & soft tissue mobilization
- Sensory re-education
- Manual therapy: range of motion/stretching & strengthening
- Activities of daily living training
- Patients are provided with a customized home exercise program to increase strength and range of motion.
Schedule a Hand Therapy Appointment
A physician’s prescription is required. For additional information or to make an appointment, please call 845-786-4194.
"You gave me the help I needed to recover and rebuild my confidence in myself to handle the challenges I’m about to embark on for the rest of my life."
For more information, please contact
Helen Hayes Hospital Outpatient Admissions:
1-888-70-REHAB ext. 4194