Patient Financial Services

The Patient Financial Services representatives at Helen Hayes Hospital are available to answer your questions about insurance coverage or hospital charges incurred during your inpatient or outpatient treatment. Contact us at (845) 786-4924 or (845) 786-4898 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9am to 4pm to learn more about:

  • Participating insurance carriers
  • Understanding your hospital bill
  • Services covered/not covered by insurance
  • Financial assistance & charity care, and more


Helen Hayes Hospital provides the highest quality of care to all patients regardless of payer. While we participate in many major health plans, we recommend you carefully read the terms of your policy and check with your insurer for complete details utilizing the member inquiry number generally located on the back of your insurance ID card.

Pricing Transparency

Hospitals are required by law to make available information about their standard charges for the items and services they provide. Please visit our Pricing Transparency page for information on Helen Hayes Hospital’s Standard Charges:

Financial Assistance

For those patients who need assistance paying for their services, Helen Hayes Hospital offers payment options, including payment plans, appropriate referrals to Social Services for Medical Assistance, or financial assistance for eligible applicants. Please contact our Patient Financial Services Department to discuss a payment option that best suits your qualifications at 845-786-4786.

Helen Hayes Hospital is committed to providing several forms of financial assistance, also known as Charity Care to qualified uninsured or underinsured patients who received medical services at HHH and reside in the HHH primary service area, which includes New York State counties of Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester. Financial assistance includes a range of benefits from free care, stratified discounted care, payment plans, to assistance with insurance obligations. Consistent with our mission and State and Federal requirements, HHH strives to ensure that the financial capacity of people who need health care services does not prevent them from seeking or receiving care. You cannot be denied care because you need financial assistance. You may apply for a discount regardless of immigration status.


To learn more about Financial Assistance/Charity Care, please refer to the following:

New York State Uniform Financial Assistance Application:
English, Creole, Spanish, Yiddish

Financial Assistance/Charity Care Policy:
English, Creole, Spanish, Yiddish


To access these materials in other languages, please call Patient Financial Services at 845-786-4786.


"You gave me the help I needed to recover and rebuild my confidence in myself to handle the challenges I’m about to embark on for the rest of my life." 

For more information, please contact the
Helen Hayes Hospital Admission Referral Center:

1-888-70-REHAB ext. 4118

To schedule a guided tour,
call 845-786-4118