Summer Safety Tips for Wheelchair Users
July 24, 2020It’s officially summer and, while we all may be itching to get outdoors after weeks of cool weather and quarantine, it’s important to brush up on some safety measures that…
Read MoreResumption of Hospital Visitation Program at Helen Hayes Hospital
July 20, 2020Helen Hayes Hospital, a specialty physical rehabilitation acute care hospital located in Rockland County, PFI 0775, plans to resume its hospital limited visitation program on July 21, 2020 under the…
Read MoreSummer Safety Tips from Think First Helen Hayes Hospital
June 26, 2020Every year, over a million people in the United States suffer a fatal or debilitating brain or spinal cord injury, including children and teenagers. The ThinkFirst Helen Hayes Hospital Chapter…
Read MoreAt-Home Guidelines for Our Outpatients: A Note from the HHH Outpatient Neurology Team
May 12, 2020“Movement is medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.” – Carol Welch Our outpatients at home are in our thoughts and we are working hard…
Read MoreFun & Easy At-Home Language & Communication Boosters
April 20, 2020There are many ways to work on language and communication skills at home. Check out this list of suggestions for fun and creative at-home skill builders and apps compiled by…
Read MoreHome Management Tips for Lymphedema Patients
April 13, 2020While most lymphedema therapy services focus on disease management, which patients are expected to complete at home, it can be difficult not to have regular appointments as a way to…
Read MoreTips for Following Your Home Therapy Program
March 27, 2020During this time when therapy services are limited, the therapy team at Helen Hayes Hospital would like to give our patients a few reminders for following their home exercise programs.…
Read MoreHHH Expands Recreational Therapy Services for Inpatients
March 24, 2020As Helen Hayes Hospital continues in its efforts to keep our inpatients physically and emotionally healthy during this unprecedented time, our Therapeutic Recreation Department has expanded and modified it services…
Read MoreHospital Update on COVID-19 Precautionary Measures
March 16, 2020Helen Hayes Hospital is committed to providing the highest level of safety and care to our patients, families, and employees. The hospital continues to monitor the worldwide coronavirus outbreak and…
Read MoreAn important message for visitors: Do not visit when ill
March 9, 2020Helen Hayes Hospital would like to remind our visitors not to visit the hospital if they are feeling unwell or experiencing flu-like symptoms. Please see the following from the New…
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